Introduction Of Huada Stone Mining Institude

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Relying on Quanzhou Huada Superabrasive Tool Technology Co., Ltd.'s more than 20 years of successful experience on the world stage of dimensional stone mining and a comprehensive supply chain ecosystem, HUADA STONE MINING INSTITUTE collects a team of top experts including professors, doctors, senior engineers, domestic and foreign industry experts, to shoulders an important mission to promote the technological progress and development of dimensional stone mines.

Under the leadership of the China Stone Association, HUADA STONE MINING INSTITUDE will adhere to "technical innovation, management innovation, product innovation" as the driving force for development, and vigorously promote the continuous, rapid and healthy development of dimensional stone mining, through regular academic exchanges, industry training to improve the overall level and comprehensive competitiveness of stone mining. HUADA STONE MINING INSTITUDE will make every effort to build the Huangpu Military Academy of China's stone mining technology and management, establish the world's leading-edge mining technology level, and promote China's cutting-edge mining technology and concepts to the world.


To create industry communication platformAn exchange platform for China's stone mining industry (mining investment end, mine geological prospecting and mining experts, mining entrepreneurs, professional mining teams, stone sales end and investment end).

To gather industry elite think tanksGather the wisdom of industry elites and strive to build a top think tank in China's stone mining industry, inheriting and exporting skills, crafts, technology, and management knowledge for China's stone mining industry.

To build talent training output baseTo excavate, train and export professional talents for mine development management and construction for China's stone mine industry, and lay a talent foundation for China's stone mine development to move towards green mining, standardized mining and lean management.

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